Backend Engineer Salary in Washington D.C.

Backend Engineer Job Description

Backend Engineers work with the data access layer of a piece of software, or in some cases, the hardware or physical infrastructure. The code written by backend engineers is what communicates the database information to the browser. Backend engineers may also be called ‰ÛÏbackend developers.‰Û These types of engineers use skills like Java, .NET, C#, C++, and other programming languages. Additionally, they have a good understanding of data structures and algorithms and can apply them to design pragmatic solutions. Backend engineers are responsible for building, testing, debugging and operating infrastructure.

Living and Working in Washington, D.C.

Many people believe that Washington, D.C. is primarily the place for government work. In fact, Washington, D.C. is a city that is a center of commerce, as well as politics. Only 1/6 of professionals work in government. IT companies include Booz Allen Hamilton, Verizon, CRSA and more. However, as the government is one of the largest customers of technology, many IT companies service the government. Therefore, Washington, D. C. is an attractive place for growth industries such as IT, computer firms and telecommunication companies.

Ranked by U.S. News as #4 in Best Places to Live, Washington, D.C. has a variety of neighborhoods, each with their own charms. An extensive public transit system provides links to the D.C. metro area, where residents can enjoy plenty of public parks, restaurants, entertainment venues and historical sites. Washington, D.C. is also a great spot for those who enjoy museums, as many of the museums in the city center offer free entry, such as the National Gallery of Art and the National Air and Space Museum.

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We don't have enough data for Washington D.C.,
so we've calculated your salary information for the San Francisco Bay Area instead:
Based on real Hired interview data, Backend Engineers in Washington D.C. earn an average annual salary of
Based on real Hired interview data, Backend Engineers in SF Bay Area earn an average annual salary of
The salaries of candidates in this role range from a low of $70,000 to a high of $200,000, with a median salary of $141,932.


Compare Backend Engineer salaries by region

Backend Engineers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, London, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular:

  1. SF Bay Area
  2. $181,905
  3. New York
  4. $167,865
  5. Seattle
  6. $166,766
  7. Boston
  8. $164,171
  9. Los Angeles
  10. $163,969
  11. Washington D.C.
  12. $154,820
  13. Philadelphia
  14. $151,541
  15. Chicago
  16. $149,934
  17. San Diego
  18. $143,333
  19. Phoenix
  20. $143,201
  21. Tampa
  22. $141,810
  23. Denver
  24. $141,370
  25. Dallas/Ft Worth
  26. $141,223
  27. Austin
  28. $137,039
  29. Houston
  30. $135,939
  31. Atlanta
  32. $133,115
  33. Columbus
  34. $132,544
  35. Toronto
  36. C$132,075
  37. Minneapolis/St Paul
  38. $126,800
  39. London
  40. £87,591
  41. Dublin
  42. €82,130
  43. France
  44. €69,272
  1. SF Bay Area
  2. $181,905
  3. New York
  4. $167,865
  5. Seattle
  6. $166,766
  7. Boston
  8. $164,171
  9. Los Angeles
  10. $163,969
  11. Washington D.C.
  12. $154,820
  13. Philadelphia
  14. $151,541
  15. Chicago
  16. $149,934
  17. San Diego
  18. $143,333
  19. Phoenix
  20. $143,201
  21. Tampa
  22. $141,810
  23. Denver
  24. $141,370
  25. Dallas/Ft Worth
  26. $141,223
  27. Austin
  28. $137,039
  29. Houston
  30. $135,939
  31. Atlanta
  32. $133,115
  33. Columbus
  34. $132,544
  35. Toronto
  36. C$132,075
  37. Minneapolis/St Paul
  38. $126,800
  39. London
  40. £87,591
  41. Dublin
  42. €82,130
  43. France
  44. €69,272
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Where Backend Engineers are highest in demand

    Backend Engineers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, London, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular: