Salary Directory SF Bay Area Technical Program Managers

Technical Program Manager Salary in SF Bay Area

Technical Program Manager Job Description

Technical program managers are found mostly in medium to large companies with many ongoing projects. Many tech companies seek out experienced professionals to fill this role. Successful technical program managers need a mix of strong communication and organization skills as well as some technical experience in the relevant idustry. The main responsibilities of a technical program manager are to initiate new projects, coordinate between vendors or suppliers and employees, follow the progress of each project, present results and define project strategies for employees.

In many cases, technical program managers are integral parts of strategic meetings. It is their responsibility to relay strategy information to project participants, so they must familiarize themselves completely with the strategy. Throughout each project's timeline, technical program managers are the point of communication to executives about the progress, how resources are being used and how things could be improved in the future.

Living and Working in San Francisco

With the continued growth of tech companies and the increase in tech jobs in San Francisco, many supporting roles for technical positions are also coming into higher demand. In 2016 alone, the San Francisco region added 26,700 new tech jobs with existing tech firms and new startups. This represents a 3.5% growth in employment in tech positions, part of a trend that shows signs of continued growth in the future.

Young professionals moving to San Francisco can find a vibrant lifestyle in the city, with a large variety of restaurants, nightlife options and creative entertainment choices. Areas like the Mission District and Pacific Heights are great for younger workers, while Noe Valley and Glen Park appeal more to families.

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Compare Technical Program Manager salaries by region

Technical Program Managers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, New York, and Seattle. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular:

  1. SF Bay Area
  2. $195,000
  3. Seattle
  4. $180,000
  1. SF Bay Area
  2. $195,000
  3. Seattle
  4. $180,000
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Where Technical Program Managers are highest in demand

    Technical Program Managers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, New York, and Seattle. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular: