Salary Directory San Diego Computer Vision Engineers

Computer Vision Engineer Salary in San Diego

Computer Vision Engineer Job Description

Computer Vision Engineers are responsible for automating the capabilities of the human vision system. They determine the proper methods for acquiring digital images, and then create programs that analyze and process them. They use Matlab, C++, Python and other image processing languages to better understand digital images and how they are created.

Computer Vision Engineers work with object and facial recognition programs. Many of these are used for advanced security on computers, security systems and smartphones. These engineers have the ability to create algorithms that mimic human vision. They create programs that use global and local descriptors to search and classify images to detect exact matches. These programs give mobile devices and computers the ability to use defined parameters to analyze faces, fingerprints and other identifying features.

Living and Working in San Diego

San Diego is a thriving location for tech startups, and has become a popular relocation area for existing companies. With a comfortable year-round climate and its proximity to the ocean, this coastal city provides plenty of employment opportunities and leisure activities. From the big-city feel of Carlsbad to areas like Point Loma that offer deep-sea fishing, there's a neighborhood for all walks of life.

San Diego is home to many different industries, with software development, robotics, cybersecurity and big data analytics being among the fastest growing sectors. Some of the major organizations in the area include Houzz, Service Now, WeWork and BizApps. There are also plenty of innovative employers that focus on making work more enjoyable, including GoPro, Classy and Latitude 33 Planning and Engineering.

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Compare Computer Vision Engineer salaries by region

Computer Vision Engineers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, London, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular:

  1. Washington D.C.
  2. $190,405
  3. New York
  4. $180,751
  5. SF Bay Area
  6. $179,678
  7. Boston
  8. $171,758
  9. Phoenix
  10. $162,000
  11. Los Angeles
  12. $162,000
  13. Seattle
  14. $161,032
  15. Columbus
  16. $160,000
  17. Chicago
  18. $154,999
  19. Denver
  20. $152,500
  21. Philadelphia
  22. $151,064
  23. Dallas/Ft Worth
  24. $142,935
  25. Austin
  26. $130,000
  27. Toronto
  28. C$108,188
  29. London
  30. £95,097
  31. Dublin
  32. €90,000
  1. Washington D.C.
  2. $190,405
  3. New York
  4. $180,751
  5. SF Bay Area
  6. $179,678
  7. Boston
  8. $171,758
  9. Phoenix
  10. $162,000
  11. Los Angeles
  12. $162,000
  13. Seattle
  14. $161,032
  15. Columbus
  16. $160,000
  17. Chicago
  18. $154,999
  19. Denver
  20. $152,500
  21. Philadelphia
  22. $151,064
  23. Dallas/Ft Worth
  24. $142,935
  25. Austin
  26. $130,000
  27. Toronto
  28. C$108,188
  29. London
  30. £95,097
  31. Dublin
  32. €90,000
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Where Computer Vision Engineers are highest in demand

    Computer Vision Engineers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, London, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular: